My teachers...and me

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My 3 Sons

Among the many unique and individual characteristic traits my sons have, their selfless generosity and altruistic demeanor really stand out. During a major renovation project at my sister's and brother-in-law's, Silas, Tayven and Zaniel were over at their house lending a helping hand and their strong muscles. Daily, for about five days, they volunteered their time and energy and worked hard, helping out with whatever was asked of them. Their actions made my heart smile and fill with mama pride. No one asked them if they could help out or even suggested that their assistance would be appreciated. They just simply gave of themselves. Other kids in the neighbourhood could be seen riding their bikes, playing in sprinklers and having summertime fun but that didn't distract my sons one iota. They knew that there would be many summer fun filled days ahead and choose instead to learn all about what was involved in removing an old, rotten floor of an addition and correctly replacing it. To them, being mentored by older family members, sweat, blisters and sore muscles was unequivocally worth giving up a few sun drenched days of summer. Many years in the future, I know that they will look back at this summer and have scattered, fuzzy memories of swim lessons, hikes, trips to the lake, sleepovers, vacations and fun with friends but those five days of hard work and selfless generosity will be what stands out. For it often is that the sense of accomplishment and the sharing of family unity are the essence of impressive and unforgettable memories.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

My Three Daughters

Fairy Princesses, Queens and Ballerinas oh my! These 3 lovely little daughters of mine are deliciously creative and imaginative. Always the first ones up in the household, their mornings are perpetually greeted with giggles and excited chatter of the day's plans. Soon after, I'm awoken by soft chubby hands stroking my face, butterfly kisses and snuggles under the covers. By the time I persuade myself out of bed and pry my eyes open with a cup of coffee, the girls are well into making wonderfully magical creations and discoveries. They know that life is good, living is wonderful and intrinsically follow their inner guidance from one joyful discovery to another. Dress up, crafts, painting, drawing, puzzles, games, exploring and adventuring are often accomplished well before lunch. These girls are busy! I have learned a lot from them. They embrace each day's potentiality with a delighted hug and live life to it's fullest. A lot of adults I know and children for that matter, make their way through life in a foggy, unaware fashion. I feel so blessed to have these 3 little angels around, reminding me just how delightfully joyous life is when you set out to explore and discover all life has to offer.